40mm Round TATR-7VMZHollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Intended for destroying tanks (including those with Explosive Reactive Armor - ERA), self -propelled guns and other armored vehicles. It can also be used for suppressing infantry and firing posts in brick and reinforced concrete buildings and log-and-earth shelters.
40 mm HE-Fragmentation Round OG-7VE for RPG-7V Man-portable Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher
40 mm Round OG-7BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-7G
40 mm Round PG-7VLT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-7LT
40 mm Round PG-7VN with Anti-tank Grenade PG-7N
40mm Round ATDR-7VM Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATDR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATR-7 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VM Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VS Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Fragmentation Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7VM High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V Practice Practice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VE High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VM High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VMZ High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7MEP V Modular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7V Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VL Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VM Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VT Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VM Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Technical Specifications
- Safety Wire0
- Muzzle Velocity82m/s
- Armour Penetrationrolled homogeneous armor700mm
- Armour Penetrationbeyond one layer of era700mm
- Warheadtandem
- Warheadhollow charge
- Max Range250
- Max Effective Range200m
- Operational Tempmin-40°c
- Operational Tempmax+50°c
- Fire Raterounds/min4 - 6
40mm Round TATR-7VMZHollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Intended for destroying tanks (including those with Explosive Reactive Armor - ERA), self -propelled guns and other armored vehicles. It can also be used for suppressing infantry and firing posts in brick and reinforced concrete buildings and log-and-earth shelters.
Fire Specifications
- caliber40mm
Fuze Type
- VP-22T