40mm Round PG-7MEP VModular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
One of the most effective warhead against bunkers, APC's and AIV's is the Modular Explosive Penetrator MEP. The carrier missile is crushed at the impact and the integrated penetrator perforates the target due to its kinetic energy. Close behind the target the time delay fuse ignites the explosive filling inside the penetrator, generating high-energy fragments against soft targets.
40 mm HE-Fragmentation Round OG-7VE for RPG-7V Man-portable Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher
40 mm Round OG-7BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-7G
40 mm Round PG-7VLT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-7LT
40 mm Round PG-7VN with Anti-tank Grenade PG-7N
40mm Round ATDR-7VM Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATDR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATR-7 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VM Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VS Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Fragmentation Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7VM High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V Practice Practice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VE High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VM High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VMZ High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7MEP V Modular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7V Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VL Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VM Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VT Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VM Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Technical Specifications
- Overall Length940mm
- Span of Tail Fin320mm
- Muzzle Velocity98m/s
- Muzzle Velocitymax220m/s
- Operational Tempmin-40°c
- Operational Tempmax+50°c
- Fire Raterounds/min4 - 6
- Weight of Loaded Magazine2.9kg
40mm Round PG-7MEP VModular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
One of the most effective warhead against bunkers, APC's and AIV's is the Modular Explosive Penetrator MEP. The carrier missile is crushed at the impact and the integrated penetrator perforates the target due to its kinetic energy. Close behind the target the time delay fuse ignites the explosive filling inside the penetrator, generating high-energy fragments against soft targets.
It can be used by Army special units (commandos) or police anti-terrorist forces.
Fire Specifications
- caliber40mm