40mm Round OFG-7VHigh Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
It is intended for use against enemy personnel in the open, in trenches, light shellproof shelters as well as against hostile unarmoured motorized and mechanized vehicles. The grenade is equipped with a warhead containing prefragmented steel rings and bursting charge of explosive or explosive mixture of powerful high-explosive or high-explosive incendiary action (at the Customer?s request). The round is completed with the GO-2 impact fuze and propelling charge of strip ballistic powder.
6 pcsgrenadesin Wooden Case
6 pcschargesin Wooden Case
36kgweight of each Wooden Case
0.107cm3volume of each Wooden Case
880x450x270mmdimensions of each Wooden Case
40 mm HE-Fragmentation Round OG-7VE for RPG-7V Man-portable Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher
40 mm Round OG-7BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-7G
40 mm Round PG-7VLT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-7LT
40 mm Round PG-7VN with Anti-tank Grenade PG-7N
40mm Round ATDR-7VM Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATDR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATR-7 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VM Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VS Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Fragmentation Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7VM High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V Practice Practice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VE High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VM High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VMZ High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7MEP V Modular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7V Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VL Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VM Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VT Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VM Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Technical Specifications
- Safety Wire0
- Muzzle Velocity99m/s
- Fragmentsat 1.5-2g360pcs
- Max Range2km
- Max Effective Range250m
- Operational Tempmin-40°c
- Operational Tempmax+50°c
- Weight of Round2.95kg
40mm Round OFG-7VHigh Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
It is intended for use against enemy personnel in the open, in trenches, light shellproof shelters as well as against hostile unarmoured motorized and mechanized vehicles. The grenade is equipped with a warhead containing prefragmented steel rings and bursting charge of explosive or explosive mixture of powerful high-explosive or high-explosive incendiary action (at the Customer?s request). The round is completed with the GO-2 impact fuze and propelling charge of strip ballistic powder.
Fire Specifications
- caliber40mm
Fuze Type
- GO-2