40mm Round OG-7V PracticePractice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
This ammunition is intended for instructional firing to be conducted during personnel training and drill sessions.
The practice ammunition has the same overall dimensions, weight and ballistic characteristics as the live ammunition.
18 pcsgrenadesin Wooden Case
18 pcschargesin Wooden Case
50kgweight of each Wooden Case
0.092cm3volume of each Wooden Case
833x420x262mmdimensions of each Wooden Case
40 mm HE-Fragmentation Round OG-7VE for RPG-7V Man-portable Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher
40 mm Round OG-7BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-7G
40 mm Round PG-7VLT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-7LT
40 mm Round PG-7VN with Anti-tank Grenade PG-7N
40mm Round ATDR-7VM Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATDR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round ATR-7 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VM Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VS Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round KO-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Fragmentation Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7V High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OFG-7VM High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7V Practice Practice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VE High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VM High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round OG-7VMZ High Explosive Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7MEP V Modular Explosive Penetrator (MEP) for RPG-V1, RPG-7V2, RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7V Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VL Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VM Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round PG-7VT Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VM Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
40mm Round TATR-7VMZ Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for RPG-7V
Technical Specifications
- Muzzle Velocity152m/s
- Max Range1000
- Max Effective Range165m
- Operational Tempmin-40°c
- Operational Tempmax+50°c
- Fire Raterounds/min4 - 6
- Weight of Round1.75kg
40mm Round OG-7V PracticePractice Anti-Personnel Grenade for RPG-7V
This ammunition is intended for instructional firing to be conducted during personnel training and drill sessions.
The practice ammunition has the same overall dimensions, weight and ballistic characteristics as the live ammunition.
It provides a way to reliably mark the points of hits.
The usage of practice rounds makes it possible to preserve the equipment of the training ranges, to reduce the risk of fire and to increase safety in instructional and demonstration firings.
Fire Specifications
- caliber40mm