122mm HE Roundwith Reduced charge for D-30, 2S-1
It is designed for destroying the enemy manpower in the open or in field shelters, for demolishing long-term shelters and log fire emplacements, for fighting the artillery and destroying armoured vehicles. It can also be used for making passages in mine fields and defence wirings.
2pcsin Wooden Case
80kgweight of each Wooden Case
0.12cm3volume of each Wooden Case
230x435x1200mmdimensions of each Wooden Case
122mm HE Round with Full charge for D-30, 2S-1
122mm HE Round with Reduced charge for D-30, 2S-1
122mm High Explosive Practice Round with Full Charge
122mm High Explosive Practice Round with Reduced Charge
122mm Hollow-Charge Round for D-30, 2S-1
122mm Illuminating Practice Round with Full Charge
122mm Illuminating Practice Round with Reduced Charge
122mm Illuminating Round with Full Charge
122mm Illuminating Round with Reduced Charge
Technical Specifications
- Safety Wire0
- Muzzle Velocity565m/s
- Max Range15.3km
- Charge Typereduced
- Loadingseparate
122mm HE Roundwith Reduced charge for D-30, 2S-1
It is designed for destroying the enemy manpower in the open or in field shelters, for demolishing long-term shelters and log fire emplacements, for fighting the artillery and destroying armoured vehicles. It can also be used for making passages in mine fields and defence wirings.
Fire Specifications
- caliber112mm
Fuze Type
- RGM-1
- RGM-2M