73mm Round TBFR-15Thermobaric Fragmentation Grenade for 2A28
Intended for destroying the enemy emplacements (battlefield fortifications, reinforced buildings, stone, brick or concrete fortifications), light armoured vehicles and automobiles and enemy troops in the open and in shelters.
73 mm Round OG-15BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-9
73 mm Round OG-15BG1 with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-9G1
73 mm Round OG-9BG with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-9G
73 mm Round OG-9BG1 with HE-Fragmentation Grenade OG-9G1
73 mm Round PG-15VNT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-15NT
73 mm Round PG-9VNT with Tandem Antitank Grenade PG-9NT
73 mm Round RHEAT-15MA with High-Explosive Anti-Tank Grenade GHEAT-9MA
73 mm Round RHEF-15MA with High-explosive Fragmentation Grenade GHEF-9MA
73 mm Round RHEF-15MA1 with High-explosive Fragmentation Grenade GHEF-9MA
73 mm Round RTB-15MA with Thermobaric Grenade GTB-9MA
73 mm Round RTB-9MA with Thermobaric Grenade GTB-9MA
73mm Round ATR-15 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round ATR-9 Hollow-Charge Anti-Tank Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round OG-15 High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round OG-15V with Fragmentation Grenade OG-9
73mm Round OG-15VM High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round OG-9 High Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round OG-9V with Fragmentation Grenade OG-9
73mm Round OG-9VM High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round PG-15V High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round PG-15VN High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round PG-9V High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round PG-9VN High Explosive Anti-tank Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round TATR-9VMZ Hollow-Charge Tandem Anti-Tank Grenade for SPG-9M
73mm Round TBFR-15 Thermobaric Fragmentation Grenade for 2A28
73mm Round TBFR-9 Thermobaric Fragmentation Grenade for SPG-9
Technical Specifications
- Overall Length902mm
- Safety Wire0
- Muzzle Velocity316m/s
- Fragments400pcs
- Max Range4.5km
- Weight of Thermobaric Composition0.8g
73mm Round TBFR-15Thermobaric Fragmentation Grenade for 2A28
Intended for destroying the enemy emplacements (battlefield fortifications, reinforced buildings, stone, brick or concrete fortifications), light armoured vehicles and automobiles and enemy troops in the open and in shelters.
Fire Specifications
- caliber73mm
Fuze Type
- GO-2