مواصفات تقنية

  • طول الطلقة
  • وقت التدمير الذاتي
    14 - 19s
  • درجة الحرارة التشغيلية
    الحد الأدنى
  • درجة الحرارة التشغيلية
    الحد الأقصى
  • مسافة التسليح
    10 - 40m
  • حياة الرف
  • سرعة الكمامة
  • نطلق التشغيل
  • ارتفاع القفزة
    0,5 to 2,5
  • explosivefilling
  • وزن الطلقة

طلقة 40x46mm AR46640x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand

The 40x46 mm Air Burst Bouncing HE Grenade AR 466 provides effective action against enemy troops in open terrain or in light shelters at distance of up to 400 m.

At meeting the target the fuze initiates the ejecting charge and the grenade bounces upwards and bursts at height from 0,5m to 1,5m. The air-burst of the grenade provides 50% increased distribution of the splinters and increases their lethality. The grenade features Safe distance arming and Self-destruction back up.

The ammunition is safe in storage, handling and operation and ensures the reliable performance of the grenade launchers in all weather conditions.

مواصفات إطلاق النار
  • قطر ماسورة بندقية
نوع الفتيل
  • Distance-Armed
  • Self-Destruct
  • Bouncing Air Burst