طلقة 40x46mm AR40840x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
The grenades are safe in storage, handling and operation and ensure the reliable performance of the grenade launchers in all weather conditions.
84قطعاتفي صندوق معدني مغلق محكم السد
3قطعاتصندوق معدني مغلق محكم السد في صندوق خشبي لل SPTA
43kgوزن كل واحد صندوق خشبي لل SPTA
0.072cm3حجم كل واحد صندوق خشبي لل SPTA
860x380x220mmمقياس كل واحد صندوق خشبي لل SPTA
طلقة 40x46mm AR 466M2-MV 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
طلقة 40x46mm AR406 قنبلة شديدة الإنفجار
طلقة 40x46mm AR409 M2 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
طلقة 40x46mm AR433 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
طلقة 40x46mm AR466 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
طلقة 40x46mm AR407 M1 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
طلقة 40x46mm AR408 40x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
مواصفات تقنية
- طول الطلقة102.5mm
- درجة الحرارة التشغيليةالحد الأدنى-42°c
- درجة الحرارة التشغيليةالحد الأقصى+52°c
- حياة الرف10
- سرعة الكمامة76m/s
- نطلق التشغيل400m
- وزن الطلقة250g
طلقة 40x46mm AR40840x46mm Hand Held Grenade Launchers; M203 Under-barrel Launcher for M16 and M4 rifles; HK 69A1 Under-barrel Launcher for G3A3 rifle; ARCUS-40 UBGL Under-barrel Launcher for AK-47 and AK-74; M79 Stand Alone Launcher; HK79 Grenade Pistol; ARCUS 40 SGL Stand
The grenades are safe in storage, handling and operation and ensure the reliable performance of the grenade launchers in all weather conditions.
مواصفات إطلاق النار
- قطر ماسورة بندقية40x46mm